Zapier vs. Make: Was ist das Beste?


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Shuib Abdullah

Ganz gleich, ob Sie zwei Apps integrieren oder einen komplexen Multi-App-Workflow aufbauen möchten, sowohl Zapier als auch Make bieten robuste Lösungen, die auf die unterschiedlichsten Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten sind. In diesem Blog werden wir einen Vergleich zwischen Zapier und Make anstellen.

Zapier vs. Make: Was ist das Beste?


At their core, both Zapier and Make serve as online automation tools that connect various apps, enabling them to work together seamlessly. Imagine having an invisible assistant that can shift data between your software tools, execute repetitive tasks, and ensure everything runs smoothly – that's essentially what these platforms provide.

For online businesses, automation is no longer just a luxury – it's a necessity.

Here's why:

  1. Time-saving: Automated workflows can dramatically cut down the time spent on mundane and repetitive tasks, giving businesses more time to focus on strategic endeavors.
  2. Error Reduction: Manual work often comes with human errors. Automation ensures consistency, thus reducing mistakes.
  3. Scalability: As businesses grow, so do their operational needs. Automation tools can easily accommodate these growing demands without the need for constant human intervention.

For those more visually inclined or those wanting a deeper dive, there are numerous resources available on YouTube:

Whether you're looking to integrate two apps or build a complex multi-app workflow, both Zapier and Make offer robust solutions tailored to diverse needs. In this blog, we will deep-dive into a side-by-side comparison of Zapier and Make. We'll explore their pricing models, key features, workflows, and more to help you make an informed decision. Whether you're an automation novice or a seasoned developer, this guide aims to provide insights tailored to your unique needs.

Zapier vs Make: A quick overview

Zapier Machen Sie
A Huge library of integrations Create custom actions with any public API
Quick and easy Visual automation builder
Perfect for simple automations Advanced error handing
Automation templates included Ability to use Webhooks

Main Features


  1. Unified Account Management: With features like Multiple Workspaces, custom user roles, and teams, you can manage various projects under one Make account, streamlining project management and team collaboration.
  2. All-inclusive Toolset: All Make plans, regardless of their tier, give you access to the complete suite of tools. This includes filters, functions, and routers, allowing for more advanced and nuanced automations.
  3. Flexible Workflow Design: The ability to re-arrange your workflows offers a level of customization that can cater to complex scenarios and unique operational needs.
  4. Scenario Inputs: These triggers enhance automation by initiating workflows based on specific conditions or inputs.
  5. Webhook Responses: A distinct advantage over Zapier, Make’s webhook responses enable real-time data transfer and instant triggers.
  6. Visual Automation Builder: The visual nature of Make's builder contrasts with Zapier’s tabulated approach. The visual builder offers clarity, efficient error handling (you can quickly locate and rectify errors), and flexibility, leading to a more intuitive design experience.


  1. Extensive App Library: Zapier boasts a vast library with support for over 5,000 apps, providing a wide range of integration possibilities.
  2. Template Usage: The platform's templates are excellent for beginners. They simplify the automation of repetitive tasks and guide users through the integration process.
  3. In-built Apps: Tools such as Formatter, Code, and Filter are native to Zapier. They provide added functionality, refining and enhancing your automation workflows.
  4. Delay Functions: The versatility of Zapier’s delay function is noteworthy. Whether you need to delay for a specific duration, until a set time, or ensure each action gets adequate execution time, Zapier has you covered. Make offers similar functionalities but with a 300-minute cap, which may require complex workarounds for extended delays.

While both platforms offer a plethora of features, your choice hinges on your specific needs. Make seems tailored for those seeking a visual, flexible, and developer-friendly environment, whereas Zapier focuses on simplicity, directness, and an extensive app library, making it user-friendly, especially for beginners.

Apps and API Endpoints

Zapier has carved a niche for itself by not only providing integrations but also by developing tools that enhance workflow customization.

Formatter: Through Zapier's Formatter, you can ensure consistent data formatting. Whether it's text, dates, or numbers, Formatter ensures data integrity across steps.

Filter: While automations are efficient, they aren't always universally applicable. Zapier's Filter tool allows users to set specific conditions, ensuring Zaps run only when truly necessary.

Storage: The Storage tool in Zapier is an invaluable asset for those who need to store and retrieve data mid-process. With Storage, you can set up custom data stores that your Zaps reference, ensuring continuity in longer workflows.

Make also offers a range of tools. While it includes functionalities similar to Zapier’s, Make pushes the envelope with powerful features like iterating over tabular data. This facilitates complex data exchanges between multiple platforms.

Make's approach to API is notably expansive. Users can craft personalized API calls to integrated apps, making Make especially appealing to coders and developers.

Both platforms flaunt considerable capabilities. Make's customizability, especially for coders, gives it an edge in terms of flexibility.


The heart of any automation tool lies in its workflow capabilities.

Make feels like a developer's playground. Its interface, while intricate, provides room for more complex workflow steps, allowing for nuanced automations that cater to specific needs. However, this complexity might require a foundational understanding of programming.

In contrast, Zapier has designed its workflow with simplicity at its core. Its linear workflow design ensures that users can easily follow and set up automations. The platform's pre-made Zaps are not only efficient but also user-friendly, facilitating swift data transfers between apps.

If you're looking for detailed, developer-centric workflows, Make is your platform. However, if simplicity and ease-of-use top your list, Zapier, with its linear workflow and pre-made Zaps, might be the better choice.

Plans and Pricing

Make (formerly Integromat):

  1. Free Plan: Before investing, you can test Make's functionalities with their free plan, which permits up to 1,000 operations per month.
  2. Core Plan: Tailored for solo businesses or startups, the Core plan is priced at $9/month. It includes 10,000 operations, making it a balanced choice for those who require more than the free plan but don’t need an expansive quota.
  3. Team Plan: For larger teams or businesses with more significant automation needs, Make's Team plan is available at $99/month. This plan encompasses more than 40,000 operations per month, catering to extensive workflow automation requirements.


  1. Free Plan: Zapier offers a complimentary plan too. However, it comes with a limit of 100 automations (Zaps) per month. This is significantly less than what Make offers, making Make's free version ten times more generous in terms of volume.
  2. Basic Premium Plan: Priced at $19.99/month, this plan provides additional features and capabilities. While specifics would need to be checked, it's designed for those who require more than the basic free functionalities but aren’t ready for the higher-tier plans.
  3. Premium Plan: Suited for businesses heavily reliant on automations, the Premium plan costs $599/month. It grants users up to 100,000 Zaps. This is an investment, but for companies that can leverage Zapier’s extensive library of supported apps, it can be a worthy one.

While both platforms offer a range of pricing options catering to different needs, Make stands out as the more budget-friendly option, especially for those just starting out. Its free plan is particularly generous compared to Zapier's.

Choose Make if…

  • Cost-Effective Solutions: You're looking for a budget-friendly automation tool that doesn’t compromise on visualization capabilities.
  • Complex Workflows: Your requirements lean towards intricate workflows that make use of Webhooks and API Endpoints.
  • Prior Experience: You're already well-versed with automation principles and have a foundational grasp on programming.

Choose Zapier if…

  • Automation Novice: You're new to the world of automation and are looking for straightforward solutions for a couple of workflows.
  • Specialized Integrations: Your work involves unique tools, and you're seeking integrations with lesser-known applications.

Regardless of your choice, Memberstack seamlessly integrates with both platforms. For more insights and step-by-step guides, explore our integration articles for Make and Zapier.