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Limit plan signups based on a user's email address domain

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With a simple rule, you can limit plan signups based on the user's email address domain.

We also have a code snippet that you can use to block specific email domains.

Let's say, for instance, you create a training course for a corporate client. With Memberstack, you can easily grant access to any company employee (with a corporate email account) and at the same time prevent the rest of the world from signing up. Here's how.

Creating a Rule

  1. Navigate to the plans page.
  2. Select a plan.
  3. Go to the panel on the right and expand the Signup Rules folder.
  4. Click the + Add button.

In the popup window:

  1. Enter the allowed domain.
  2. Klicken Sie auf Speichern.
  3. Repeat steps to add more allowed domains. (optional)

Memberstack adds the rule to the plan. Click the ellipsis to edit or remove the signup rule.

  • BTW  This signup rule won't let you block certain email domains (e.g. prevent any user with a Yahoo email account from signing up). If you enable this feature, you block all users except people with the email domain listed in the rule.

Testing the Rule

Memberstack displays and error message and blocks a user from signing up if the email domain does not match the rule.


Das war's.

Now you know how to restrict plan signups with an email domain rule.


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