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Stornierung Einblicke

Stornierung Einblicke

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Stornierung Einblicke
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Primäre Vorteile

Identify Improvement Opportunities

Gain insights into specific pain points, issues, or shortcomings in your product, service, or customer experience. This information can be used to make necessary changes and enhancements, reducing future cancellations.

Product and Service Iteration

Inform product and service iteration cycles. Understanding why customers are leaving and make data-driven decisions regarding new features, enhancements, or changes to your offerings.

Customer Win-Back Opportunities

Knowing why your customers canceled, you can tailor win-back initiatives based on specific reasons provided.

How to View Cancellation Reasons in Stripe

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We all love customer feedback (well, most of the time). That’s what makes Stripe’s Cancellation Reason feature so helpful. As customers cancel an account, Stripe prompts them to describe a reason by checking items on a popup window. Knowing how to enable this feature and then locate the feedback can be a challenge unless you’re familiar with this meandering path.

Here's how -

Enabling Data Collection

The first step is to make sure your Stripe account is configured to collect cancellation reasons.

  1. Melden Sie sich bei Ihrem Stripe-Konto an.
  2. Go to the top right corner and click the Settings icon.
  3. Under the Billings heading, click Customer portal.

If off, switch on the toggle to collect cancellation reasons.


Stripe displays a popup window with a list.

  1. Select the reasons you want to show your customers.
  2. Click Save if you make changes.
  3. Click Save changes on the portal page.

Editing the Reasons

If the toggle is already switched on, you can edit the list. Just click the Edit reasons button to display the popup window.


Locating Cancellation Data

The next step is to open the Stripe page that displays your customer’s feedback.

Go to the top menu bar and click Billing > Subscriptions > Canceled.


Scroll down the list of canceled accounts and look for an i icon. Hover the mouse to display the reason.


For more information, click the i icon. A new page displays cancellation details along with user account and event information.


That’s it.

Challenged solved.


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