Round 1 - Test spoken communication (via Loom/Tella)

We share every step of the hiring process we use at Memberstack. We hope this comes in handy when you're hiring for various job roles. Feel free to reach out and ask us any questions!

Molly Floyd
Inhalt & SEO

Test spoken communication

💡 The goal of this step is to test candidates remote spoken communication.

Task: Send a video asking for a video from the candidate. Send the video you want to receive. Keep it short and simple and bonus points for screen sharing.

💡 Tip - Send a video of yourself explaining the task so the candidate knows what and how to do it!

Example of a message Duncan sent to a candidate -

Hi NAME, thank you for following up 🙏

Since the timezone difference will not be an issue, we can move onto the 2nd round 🎉 I've recorded a 1 minute video with next steps.

  1. Have you ever managed a front-end team? If not, have you ever been solely responsible for building the front-end of a production application? (Please share your screen if applicable.)
  2. Also, what are your preferred working hours?

If possible, please share your video by 4pm EST on Tuesday 🙏 We tried doing 15min calls in the past, but found this to be WAY more efficient for everyone involved. Your video can be as short as you like.


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