Wie man die Anzahl der Artikel auf der Seite in Webflow anzeigt


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Kevin Richer

In diesem Beitrag erfahren Sie, wie Sie eine On-Page Item Count in Webflow anzeigen können, was eine On-Page Item Count ist und wann und warum Sie eine On-Page Item Count in Ihrem Projekt verwenden sollten.

Wie man die Anzahl der Artikel auf der Seite in Webflow anzeigt

Memberscripts needed





Why/What Displaying on-page item count is great for…

  1. Enhanced User Experience: Displaying an item count gives users a clear understanding of the quantity of items or content they are dealing with, enhancing their overall experience.
  2. Improved Navigation: In cases like e-commerce sites or galleries, an item count helps users navigate through the content more efficiently.
  3. Data Visualization: For sites that deal with data or listings, showing an item count can be a quick way to visualize the amount of data being presented.

Wie man die Anzahl der Artikel auf der Seite in Webflow anzeigt 

Displaying an on-page item count can be a powerful feature for various Webflow websites. It provides users with immediate, dynamic feedback about the content they interact with. Item counts streamline user experiences that otherwise tempt users to count certain items manually. 

Implementing On-Page Item Count in Webflow 

To add item counts, we need to find a way to identify the on-page elements we want to count, tally the number of such elements, and link our tally to an on-page display. Unfortunately, Webflow doesn’t include this kind of dynamic behaviour manually. You’ll need some custom code. Fortunately, we’ve put together a MemberScript that includes all the code you’ll need! Let’s take a look at how to use our script to include an on-page item count.

1. Identifying the Items to Count 

The first step is deciding what you want to display a count for on your page. You can choose any HTML element since you’ll be using Webflow’s custom attributes to mark your items for counting. You’ll probably find yourself choosing items that update dynamically, such as Collection lists or items backed by Member JSON.

2. Start Counting 

Once you know what you want to count, you’re ready to start counting with MemberScript #30 - Count Items On Page And Update Number. Following the MemberScript’s tutorial, you'll set up the item count functionality. Don’t forget to display your count somewhere on your page!

3. Optimize Your Delay

The MemberScript waits for a specified period to count your marked items. This delay gives your items time to load their data from wherever you store it. We recommend running tests with varying delays and item counts to ensure you’re not counting too soon (or late!).

4. (Optional) Make the Delay Invisible

Any collection of items will have a minimum time to load that will determine a lower bound for your delay. If that minimum delay is long enough to be noticeable, your Webflow site may start to feel slow for your users and increase the risk of a bounce. You can reduce the odds your users will feel this way by displaying a loading animation during your item counting delay.


Displaying an on-page item count is a simple yet effective way to enhance the functionality and user experience of your Webflow site. By following these steps and using our Memberstack script, you can provide users with valuable information about the content they are viewing or interacting with.

Check out the cloneable to start counting today! It’s a working example of the site shown in MemberScript #30’s tutorial, using on-page item counts to tally Kanban columns.

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